Metal Foundry in Mirpur

Melting down scrap metal

My friend, Ahmed

Lahore, PK

Inside the Sihk Temple in Lahore

Women washing their clothing in the river

Refugees in Pakistan. You can see one of the tents that the people here live in.

Refugees in Pakistan. Many of the kids were covered in their own feces. It was really eye opening to see the way they had to live.

Selling balloons is the livelihood of these people.

Mirpur, PK

Maria is a young girl I met while visiting the school for girls.


Beautiful view near Chanjah

This is one of the few ways of getting around the village.

"The Local"

A mosque next to Unzila's village home.

Each grave stone is the length of the person buried beneath. After I was told of this it was hard not to notice just how many of the gravestones were tiny.

Village home

Gossip Hens


going out to cut wood to bring home.

Sitting on the roof

This little girl would build this rock/car toy and push it about 4 inches before it would all fall apart and she would attentively rebuild. It was made out of rocks, a toy car, the sole of a shoe, and a lollipop stick.

This young girl followed me so closely that I actually bumped hard into her when I turned around.

Women Working

Watching a game of cricket

Village Children

Boy and Calf

Oldest man in Chanjah village

Chanjah Village

Village Man

This boy was very proud of all his winnings in a game of marbles. He made sure to count them in front of me and tell me the boy he beat only had 4 left.

1/2 cup of chai with 1/2 a cup of sugar

Village child

Mountain children


Boy watching from high above

Village Woman

Beautiful door, beautiful women

Sheep coming home to their lambs


Dadi with goat

Village man

A woman in the village

Village barber

A woman picking herbs

Village men

This is a teacher and his students. He is very strict and is known to discipline the children physically.

Two boys and the only girl in the all boys school (she is the one on the right).

Husband and wife in the village

There are many houses made of mud in the villages.

Two women washing clothes

Mino and Hamza

Driver Cha Cha took us all over with Taya Papa's family.

I noticed the man on the right... he is Unzila's dad. He ran for village government a few years ago and the posters and still hanging around the village.

This woman was hurt very badly in an accident and broke many of her bones. She was bed ridden for 2 months and then Unzila's family gave her some herbal medicines. She is now walking again.


School girls

A classroom

School girl

In class

Kids lining up to go in to school

Ugly chicken

School girls walking to class.

Boys on their way to school


Papa and Ahmed

A boy on his way to where he lives, in the mountains.

Pakistan is BEAUTIFUL.


Crossing the bridge

Apparently Americans are "farm chickens" because Arricka and I refused to ride this.

Ribbon Boy

A person of the third gender in PK

"Old is gold"- Ammi Pervaiz

This brings back memories of Nicaragua.

Stoop sitting

A beggar in the Bazar.

Daadi Zeb Un Nisa drinking chai

Abbottabad from a rooftop view.

Daadi Zeb Un Nisa

On our way out of the Market.

Two Tailors hard at work.

The electricity went out, so this man had to work by candlelight.

The Bazar in Abbottabad.

Selling meat in the Bazar.


Pakistan Zindabad

Oranges for sale

Two boys working in a crop field.

On the way to Abbottabad
On the way to Abbottabad

Suzuki truck. This boy is waiting to pick up passengers.

"They have everything! Men selling fish on bikes."

After I took these photos this man asked me what newspaper they would appear in...

A man waiting to be picked up for work.

Pakistan is colorful

Tai ammi


Even the fans were praying.

Women's area for prayer in the Mosque

Men's area for prayer in the Mosque

Unzila and Arricka at the place where Muslims clean themselves before prayer.

Faisal Mosque, Islamabad



THANKS for posting! wow.
Thank-you for sharing these wonderful photos!
So cool! It reminds me of my childhood! Except I lived waaaay south.
These are some amazing photos.
awesome shots, national geographic
Wow, Michelle, these are stunning!! I want to go so bad!
Excellent photography! There's so much beauty in Pakistan!
Thank you so much guys! It really is a beautiful place. Also the people I have met here are some of the most hospitable I have ever come across.
Wow! Thank you for posting these photos. They're very inspirational! I'd love to talk about the trip in its entirety sometime!
beautiful ! =)
Thanks for posting amazing photos of my village chingha
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